Jan 5, 2008

How we feel about this storm...

California is experiencing a severe Artic weather storm. We finally have power after losing it for almost 24 hours. The way amount of rain and the speed of the winds are out of this world. I drove to work on a part of the freeway that was later shut down due to high winds.

It was scary seeing a big rig toppled over and knowing that that if winds could do that so a massive vehicle, you might be next! Luckily I made it in to work safe and sound, but I do believe I saw my life flash before my eyes a couple of times before I made it in!
Four high-voltage poles were leaned over on the street where we live and the school yard located near us has all of the trees toppled over like dominoes. Mother Nature clearly is sending a reminder of how powerful she really can be.

If I could sum it all up in one word, this is how I feel about the storm:

Bruno has spent long hours wondering where all this water is coming from...

Not that he is complaining...severe winds mean lots of branches in the yard. And, if you know Bruno, branches are his #1 favorite thing.

And if you pay great attention to detail, you might have noticed how close the water is to our patio door! Our lawn is completely saturated with water and it can no longer absorb any more water. I guess we finally received that pool we've always been waiting for!

Bruno's constantly trying to bring his new "toys" indoors.

We are safe and sound for the time being, thank the Lord. No damaged property and we're managing the water as best we can. It was quite scary watching the 50-year-old oak trees' trunks sway with the power of the winds on our front lawn. So far, they are staying put, but we are expecting two more storms, so we are naturally a little bit worried!


  1. Ha, leave it to Bruno to make the best of what would otherwise be considered devastation. Still loving that close up of Bruno. Bobby was equally impressed with it's clarity....now he can't wait till I get on board. hah!

  2. whoops, forgot to give thanks for that Maggie picture. Wouldn't it be a jackpot if you could get all three in one picture? I especially love her tongue poking out. Vinnie's got some competition.
