Mar 28, 2008

Stick and Stones...

What a tumultuous two days it has been. Ryan's grandfather's funeral was both beautiful and deeply saddening. It was wonderful to have so many relatives to lean on during hard times like these. Never have I seen a family so welcoming and genuine in the amount of concern and love given during such a stressful time. I am glad to be part of such a family.

Our Mafioso family was spread around during these two days. The boys stayed home one night and Seana came over to feed them and stretch their little legs. Auntie April called me to let know that Vinnie called her demanding to sleep over her house (Vinnie can dial?! I better let all the pizzerias know!), so Auntie April came and grabbed the boys. They had a fun day at Auntie April's house and I never knew I could miss my boys so much!

Now that we are back and the weather is nice, an outing was definitely in order!
Ryan started off our hike on a new trail. I stopped to take this picture...

not knowing that in a few seconds I would hear Ryan say "Oh crap! Boys, get over here!" What was behind the top of this trail was indeed a surprise!

A cliff!

Oh! Maybe we should have paid more attention to this sign? Ha ha!

Nonetheless, the view at the top of the bluff was breathtaking.

After that scare, Bruno decided that we should instead get down to business...accomplishing Bruno's first swim of 2008!

"Let's get crack-a-lackin' folks!"

"Cowabunga, dude!"

"Yipee kai yay!"

He proceeded to retrieve fallen logs back to shore....

and had a blast doing so!

Bruno was not very happy whenever Ryan took too long throwing the stick back into the river.

"Throw the stick! Throw it!

He kept threatening to jump and keep all four paws in the air knowing damn well how much I panic about his hips!

"Throw the stick and I'll land!"

Ryan and I oggled the homes located right above the river. We dreamed of one day owning a house just like this one:

But being that this home probably sells for at least $1 million dollars, the closest we could ever afford to a home located above the river is probably something like this:

I noticed that Gino started to get a little bit jealous of Bruno's splashes and retrieval skills. He kept following Bruno and saying "You ain't so hot! I can do anything you do but better!"

He first insisted that he could make a bigger splash than Bruno's...

"See! I can splash the water just as much as he can!"

"Dude, I look just like Moses parting the Red Sea!"

We had to explain to him that his splashes were a bit on the puny side. This is what a REAL splash looks like!

His ego was a little hurt. So he decided to prove that he could retrieve logs just as big as the ones Bruno retrieves.

"This is easy! This stick weighs as much
as a feather!"

"Man, this is no biggie!"

"Seriously, a newborn can lift this log!"

"I might as well walk with it around the river.
There might be a girl Pug who might see
my awesome strength!"

Obviously, his little black head began to swell. So we resorted back to some NILIF to help get him back on track. ;)

Vinnie came along also. I swear! He was just not into posing for the camera today. This is pretty much what he did all day...

He just kept sticking that tongue out at me. I deserve it...I did leave him for two days!

Bruno's also back to doing his favorite river hobby...

"You're in here somewhere!"

Bobbing for river dirt clogs! Yum!

While we were sitting down taking a break, I couldn't help but notice all of the butterflies surrounding us. Those that know me well know that I absolutely love butterflies and it felt like I was in heaving being surrounded by them.

"Ma! Look over here!
I found something for you!"

Um...thanks? Just what I wanted to see? Two butterflies getting it on! It definitely is spring!

Now that Spring is here, The Canine Mafia will begin more frequent outings. Stay tuned!

"Ya'll come back now, ya hear!"

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