Aug 13, 2008

Tub Terror

If you walk into the tub bleary-eyed, you might encounter The Tub Monster.

Her alias is Maggie.

I guess the tub is the new "it" place to hang out, since this is where Maggie can be found most of the day. I wish I could convince her to also clean the tub for me while she's hanging out in there. She ixnayed my plans when I ran them by her.

"Let me think about it. NO."

In other news, I might have to start locking up my curling iron. Blue has a mysterious curly whisker!

Any ideas how she might have acquired this curly whisker?


  1. Finally! Some pictures of Maggie. All you need is a shot of Molly and you're kitty cat compliant :) Linus has been hanging out in the tub, too. It must be cooler? Maggie is beautiful :)

  2. hello mary its dennis the vizsla dog hmm maybe maggie is predicting anuther erthkwayk the tub is ware i go wen an erthkwayk is coming in fakt maybe i shud go their now!!!! ok bye
