Oct 22, 2008

We Need Your JuJu

Our beloved Blue is currently experiencing liver failure.

Blue refused to eat any food for a day and a half. When she refused breakfast this morning, we rushed her to the vet. Our vet diagnosed her with Feline Hepatic Lipidosis (or Fatty Liver Disease). The cause of her state is unknown; tests are still pending to rule out any toxins or bacterial infections. Currently, she is being force fed via a tube and is on IV fluids for dehydration.

Although The Canine Mafia will never admit it, Blue secretly runs The Organization. She is the hidden consigliere that operates behind closed doors. We need her back in full force!

Please keep Blue in your thoughts and send her speedy recovery vibes. The Canine Mafia thanks you from the bottom of our hearts.


  1. Sending good juju to Blue and hoping for the best!

  2. Blue Cheese...we are sending you healing power to the nth degree! We love you and hope you get better real soon!

    ~Bobby & Letitia
    Linus, Bella, Bison, and Lindsay

  3. We are sending all of our love, prayers, good wishes and chicken strips. We used to have a blue cat named Meemo. She got out one day and never came back. Mom was very very sad. We live up in a canyon with lots of wild animals so mom feared the worst..... We hope Blue gets well soon!

  4. We are sending all of our love, prayers, good wishes and chicken strips. We used to have a blue cat named Meemo. She got out one day and never came back. Mom was very very sad. We live up in a canyon with lots of wild animals so mom feared the worst..... We hope Blue gets well soon!

  5. Sending bunches of good thoughts and prayers for Blue.

    (even if she's a cat...)

  6. hello mafiosi its dennis the vizsla dog hay sorry to heer abowt blue i wil be mayling yoo a packij ful of joojoo momentarily ok bye

  7. Definitely send the good juju to Blue. My little Sally recently lost the liver battle and I'm hoping that Blue bucks up and evens the percentages!! The mafioso needs their leader!

  8. Marley and I are sending good juju. I hope Blue gets better.
