Apr 6, 2009

Blue Monday - Episode 2

Blue is doing well. This morning, one of her good days peeked through. She joined me in the kitchen for coffee. By "joining," I mean she tried to steal my straw.

Being the sucker that I am, I rearranged the furniture in our bedroom this weekend so that Blue could access the window and birdwatch easily. She came back to life briefly to inspect my progress and express her disdain for my choices of where certain pieces of furniture should rest. But, when all was said and done, she gave her seal of approval as now it requires less effort to reach the window.

Blue has started to turn her nose up at wet and raw food. I really did not want to start her back up on kibble, but, at the same time, I can't have her loosing any weight without it negatively impacting her health any further. I found a locally owned pet store yesterday that was helpful in finding a decent, grain-free kibble. And I am happy to report that Blue is chowing down like there is no tomorrow.

The one thing I wish I had an answer for is the sudden appearance of itchiness Blue is experiencing. She is scratching herself raw in areas such as under her chin and behind her ears. I am 100% sure she is flea-free. This started with the addition of her new medication to help bring down the swelling, so I hope this is a side effect that will soon subside.

Again, we want to thank al the readers for the continued prayers, good thoughts and JuJu sent our way.

Blue says "Thank you" also. Really, this is her thank you face. :-)


  1. Good to hear some good news - still sending positive thougths your way Blue!

  2. We are thinkning about Blue! The itchyness sounds like maybe a reaction to the meds. We are glad she is eatling! thats a good thing.

  3. Hmm, so did the itching start before you switched food? Or it could even possibly be that she was forming a reaction to something in the soft food? It's probably from the medicine, but ya never know!

  4. We hope and pray for Blue!

  5. We're keeping Blue in our thoughts!

  6. Sending continuing good thoughts to you guys!! Blue is a fighter!!!

  7. Thanks for the Blue update, I am so glad she is having a good day. Don't forget to take care of yourself too.

  8. I love your updates, and I hope Blue responds to treatments1 Gotta love Carmella refusing to get in a tea cup!


  9. Susan/cookiemonsterApril 6, 2009 at 11:51 AM

    Diamond and Petunia (and me, too) are continuing to send feel better blue thoughts!

  10. I'm glad you rearranged furniture for optimum birdwatching!


  11. Glad to hear she is feeling a little better. I am continuing to keep her in my thoughts, and hoping many more years with her.

  12. We are thinking of Blue, you and your crew. Glad to hear that she's eating and bird watching, and probably still plotting something for you. Hugs from the Dairy State!

  13. Much love to Blue (and you!). Is the med an antibiotic? I know of a few cases of animals being on antibiotics and having this kind of allergic reaction. If you haven't already, definitely let your vet know...
