Feb 23, 2010

ARG! &#^$%&@*!(

Readers, I have some news. But I can't share just yet. I know, I know...I'm such a tease.

It will all make sense once I finally spill my guts why The Canine Mafioso blog has been a tad bit skimpy lately on material. Hang in there!!

I was about to post a montage of Bruno being silly in the spring shots...until I realized that out of the 45 shots I took, Carmela is either blocking half the space or she's somewhere in the shot being a pest. Figures!

So therefore, I hereby blame Carmela for ruining this week's post. What should her punishment be?


  1. well hewo there
    the houston pittie pack here
    we just love your crew pikshures
    wanna be furryends
    we are working on taking ober the world and maybe your mafia can help
    pibble sugars and wiggles from the wee ones
    the houston woggie pack

  2. Isn't putting up with those boys punishment enough? ;-)

  3. How can you punish such a beauty? And smart enough to make it into every photo? Beauty and brains - she runs the operation!

  4. Her punishment should be....
    send her to me!
