Jan 23, 2011

No Excuses

No excuses.  I have none.  The lack of blog content is noticeable and for that, I have no valid excuses.  I have tons of pictures waiting to be processed and uploaded to the blog, yet I can't seem to ever find the time to start the process.

I have tons of photos....ya'll thought it was probably because I no longer take The Mafiosos out for walks anymore now that the baby is here, huh?  Fear not! That will never happen.  Carmela has taken it upon herself to be the designated reminder that if we're going outside with the baby, The Mafiosos come also. 

And as usual, not much has changed. 

Bruno's still trying to carry ridiculously large logs.

The Fun Police are still patrolling during our hikes and making sure nobody's having too much fun.

And Carmela is still out there doing her own thing, ignoring the stinky boys.

Life here is the same as we've always known it.  I just need more time.  About a year's worth.  Then I'll finally feel caught up. :)


  1. Glad to hear everything is going well!!!!

  2. We have missed you! Love the picture of carmela "ride along"!! LOL!

  3. I stumbled across your blog today in my google reader - I almost fell off my chair laughing reading your post. I have a 8 year old fawn pug named Tug - since we brought home out boxer Koda over four years again i have always called Tug the fun police!!! because guaranteed if someone is having too much fun he is there to break it up!!! Four months ago we took in a foster puppy (7 months old) and didn't that set off the fun radar. Tug is on constant fun patrol now. It's funny to watch. Glad I found your blog.
