"I know that smell!"

Get your freakishly large head
out the window, now!" shouts Vinnie.

"What?" asks Bruno.
"Is there something cool on the ground?"

"No!" exclaims Vinnie.
"Can't you smell it?!"

"Smell what?" asks Bruno.
"The CACA!" replies Vinnie.

"Oh yeah!" says Bruno.
"Now that you mention it, I do smell something!
It does smell like caca! It smells like..."

"Cow Caca!"

Cow caca!"

"I think you should abandon this blog," suggests Carmela.
"Start a new one that's all about me.
Seriously, all the boys do is talk about caca."

"Uhhh...she's kidding right, Ma?"

"No. No I'm not."

"You're not going to listen to her,
right Ma?"

Get your freakishly large head
out the window, now!" shouts Vinnie.

"What?" asks Bruno.
"Is there something cool on the ground?"

"No!" exclaims Vinnie.
"Can't you smell it?!"

"Smell what?" asks Bruno.
"The CACA!" replies Vinnie.

"Oh yeah!" says Bruno.
"Now that you mention it, I do smell something!
It does smell like caca! It smells like..."

"Cow Caca!"

Cow caca!"

"I think you should abandon this blog," suggests Carmela.
"Start a new one that's all about me.
Seriously, all the boys do is talk about caca."

"Uhhh...she's kidding right, Ma?"

"No. No I'm not."

"You're not going to listen to her,
right Ma?"

No, I'm not starting a new blog all about Carmela. There isn't a blog big enough in cyberspace to contain her ego. Now that that's settled, let's share today's hike to Beale Falls.

So by now you've all probably figured out that Vinnie is obsessed with caca. The larger the animal, the better. Had I known that the Beale Falls trail also borders cow farming land, I might have changed my mind about going there. But luckily for Vinnie, I did not know this fact and he managed to, how do I put this delicately, take advantage of this fact when I wasn't looking.
The end goal of Beale Falls is a beautiful waterfall. But getting there is no easy task. Luckily, the scenery along this hike is gorgeous. There is land as far as the eye can see....
(yes, I've probably have been visiting Perez Hilton waaaay to much this past week!)
Or, you could just be a tiny dog and everywhere you go is expansive. Hehehe...

Ok, you two, enough bickering. Let's get back to the hike. We're almost to the part where we share with the readers how we finally found the waterfall.

It was worth the sweat, tears and mulptile spills I took to finally see this waterfall.

"Woot! Let's get this hike started!"

"There's caca over there,
I just know it!" shares Vinnie.
I just know it!" shares Vinnie.

So by now you've all probably figured out that Vinnie is obsessed with caca. The larger the animal, the better. Had I known that the Beale Falls trail also borders cow farming land, I might have changed my mind about going there. But luckily for Vinnie, I did not know this fact and he managed to, how do I put this delicately, take advantage of this fact when I wasn't looking.
The end goal of Beale Falls is a beautiful waterfall. But getting there is no easy task. Luckily, the scenery along this hike is gorgeous. There is land as far as the eye can see....

"Very funny.
Don't quit your day job."
Don't quit your day job."

"Size doesn't matter!
Anything those stupid boys can do,
I can't do better!"
Anything those stupid boys can do,
I can't do better!"

Because climbing rocks is hard?"
Because climbing rocks is hard?"

Ok, you two, enough bickering. Let's get back to the hike. We're almost to the part where we share with the readers how we finally found the waterfall.

"We made it!"

It was worth the sweat, tears and mulptile spills I took to finally see this waterfall.

"Vinnie wants to know if there's
cow caca down there?"
cow caca down there?"
