I completely forgot to snap picture of the Mafiosos when I went home yesterday. I was too excited about seeing my men that I blanked out on bringing my camera. Duh!
Anyway, my excitement didn't last too long. Apparently, I'm not the only one my husband has dates with. I was promptly kicked out of the house at 7:25 PM so that he could be on time for his online 7:30 PM gaming meeting.
Pathetic! I have lost my husband to the X-Box 360!
Frannie has had enough of me, Ryan wants to marry his X-Box....sigh.
Well, since I don't get what I want, neither do you! :p
Here's more Frannie!
Frannie likes peek at me.
When I can't find her, I just look around and there she is...
peeking at me!
When I can't find her, I just look around and there she is...
peeking at me!