Oct 13, 2008

In Case You Were Wondering...

Just in case you were wondering what Bruno's open mouth looks like, you can rest in peace.

(Yes, he is missing a canine. And two molars. He is after all the reason my vet owns a yacht!)

"Oh sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!
I'll keep my mouth closed from now on."


  1. That's a lot o' gum! And look at how straight and neat his little chicklet teefs are!

  2. Wow, I haven't seen a mouth that impressive since the last time we went on a photo safari at the Wild Animal Park!

  3. Bruno...count down...5 days till we can play all day and night :)


  4. Wow, Bruno, that's impressive! I've got different coloured splotches on the roof of my mouth, too!

    Brown dog kisses,

  5. Dear Bruno, Pleae make sure you use breath spray when you do that!


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